How to Attract: Cardinals
What birds do you see in your yard? Do you see Chickadees and Blue Jays? How about Hummingbirds or Red-Winged Blackbirds?
Most people are used to seeing certain birds in their yard. Our Kaytee experts are here to help you attract the birds you want to see, not just the birds you’ve always had. There are certain tips and tricks to reach certain species. Making changes to the food you provide or the way your feeders are set up can help get new species, giving you more entertainment!
Are you looking to attract more of those beautiful bright red Northern Cardinals to your yard? Look no further! We have compiled the best tips and tricks to help these beautiful birds find your feeders. Pick the Right Bird Feeder
Cardinals are medium-sized birds. Small feeders and tube feeders are not the right fit for these backyard visitors. Cardinals are more likely to visit a feeder that they feel secure on. Their weight is heavier than other small birds so they prefer standing feeders compared to hanging feeders. Make sure there is a perch and a tall enough area for the Cardinals to land and eat.The best feeders to use are platform feeders like this one. It supports their weight with a sturdy wood ledge for them to land on. Similarly, hopper feeders provide them with enough room to feed on the birdseed.

Use the Right Seed
Cardinals eat many different foods. They are not known to be picky. They eat birdseed along with insects and select fruits. Natural fruits that attract these birds include blueberry bushes, mulberry trees, and other dark-colored berries.Bird seeds that have been known to attract Cardinals include black oil sunflower, cracked corn, suet, Nyjer® seed, mealworms, peanuts, safflower, striped sunflower, and sunflower hearts and chips. If you are looking for a blend with the perfect mix of Cardinal favorites, try the Kaytee Cardinal blend.
Create a Welcoming Environment
Cardinals need to feel secure, which is easiest to do by providing natural shelter. Plant shrubs, trees, and bushes around your yard to provide natural hiding and nesting areas for these birds. Another tip for creating a welcoming environment is to put some seeds on the ground below a new feeder. Doing this will help Cardinals flying overhead find the feeder in your yard.Make sure you offer resources in your yard all year long. Cardinals are non-migrating birds, which means they will be looking for food in summer, fall, winter and spring. They will stay in yards that provide what they need. If feeders go empty however, they are likely to move elsewhere to find better, more reliable food and water.
Offer Running Water
It is essential to offer all necessary resources for wild birds in your yard. Cardinals will look for running water, especially in the winter months when non-frozen water is hard to find. Since Cardinals do not migrate, make your yard a resource for them all year long, even on those cold days!Are you ready to make some changes or additions to your yard for those Cardinals? And remember, when you see a male or female Cardinal, during mating season, the other one is likely to be close by.
If you are looking to stock up on the right supplies for Cardinals, find a store near you that sells Kaytee Wild Bird Seed.
Additional Sources:
How to attract Northern Cardinals to your yard
Birding Basics to Attract Cardinals